I can't trust Pokemon anymore

Pokemon was my childhood. Loved every single game of this franchise. But then I started to question....Can be Pokemon real? I know that sounds stupid...but I still questioned about it....
Then one day....my question was answered....in a bad way.
Year ago I went to the flea market because the games were incredibly cheap...and I was rather poor in terms of money. I saw a young guy who was selling the brand new Pokemon game. I sprinted towards him. Then we had a conversation:
"Good evening, sir. I would like to have this (I'm pointing at the new game)." I said.
The merchant replied: "Oh, ye gonna buy this? Well, laddeh, that will cost ye only 2$....But are ye brave enough to play this? Before ye go "It's a kidz play, so there I would not be spooked".....I heard some rumors about thi....never mind, just buy it!".
So that I bought the game and I was excited. I could not wait. But then I noticed something odd. Instead of Pokemon X(or Y), it was Pokemon Sorrow. Was this a bo....of course it was a bootleg. No wonder why he did sell it for such a low price.
So I tested the game cartridge. Surprisingly, it worked almost perfect. Few sound glitches were there, but it was not distracting.
And so, my Pokemon adventure....and soon it will start....
So the game started like a usual pokemon adventure. Nothing weird....yet.
In this game, the region was named Worros. It was shaped like Croatia, but with a volcano and full of geysers. The plot so far was pretty much the same as in Pokemon Red and Blue: catch them all and stop the villanous team. So I picked up the starter. It was a 5th gen hack, so I picked up Snivy because he's cool. I noticed that there was no rival in this hack....weird innit? So everything went usual untill I went to the first gym.
This is the part where everything went downhill pretty fast.
The first gym was....empty. Then I reached the end of the gym. There was some girl there. It looked like the sprite for the human form of Latias, that was in the manga. And so I triggered some cutscene. It went like this:
My character went up to the human Latias. She turned around to see, what is happening and then she made three steps backwards. Then my character came closer to her. She ran away, but before she did that, she said this: "Please....leave..me....Stop..it....".
I was quite shocked by this scene. I also thought that the creator of this game had some sick fuckery in his mind while he was developing this game...or was trying to offend us...or both.
Then it went further.....
The gym had a secret passage. Because I was curious, I went there. Because, as they say, curiosity killed a cat.......and probably will kill me. The passage lead to some forest. And guess who was there. Human Latias. And (as usual) she was running away from me. It was a another cutscene. My character followed her for some...reason I don't wanna know. After the cutscene finished....I saw a scene....that I could not get out of my head.
Human Latias was seen dead.....but not in a gory way. She was just there....meanwhile everything around her was gory. Dead Eevee's, decapitated Caterpies,etc....
But then my 3DS started to shake. And then the loud scream came from the speakers. I was scared as all hell. Then the 3ds started to talk...also, a picture of decaying Svyleon with red eyes was displaying.
"Why did you make us suffer, master? Do you enjoy pain? Hmm!?" said the Svyleon.
"What in the Garbodor's name are you talking about?" I replied.
Just before the possesed 3DS attacked.......
......a lightning bolt striked it. But I wasn't outside. I was shocked because of those events. Then I saw a silhuette of a man.
It was Nikola Tesla. I tried to thank him, but he said:
"Skeletor! Your time is up! I'm going to send you, where you belong!".
And so he zapped me and send me to........